(Note: This post was begun some weeks ago, but, due to interruptions, I’m only finishing it up tonight. Sorry if some of the graphs are dated.)

Well, we are past the yearly “sea-ice maximum”, so I suppose I should do a sea-ice post, but I’m rather uninspired. Rather than proving we are reaching the dreaded “tipping point”, any discussion about sea-ice has become a “moot point”. Further discussion is more or less pointless.

First, for many young Alarmists the idea of Global Warming is an indoctrination they’ve received from early in grade school. Both they and their teachers watched Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” (2006) yet they were never exposed to the carefully thought-out decision by a British court which stated the movie was only one side of a political debate, and students shouldn’t be exposed to it without being informed Al Gore spoke eleven falsities. (2007).

Such students and teachers don’t need to see any evidence to know Global Warming is “true”, because they were taught by teachers who didn’t need to see any evidence either, because it was in the book they taught from (or video they taught from.). For such people Global Warming is a pertinacious and deep rooted falsity, founded in faith in those who taught them. To question Global Warming questions the integrity of Miss Fruitisweet, a third grade teacher who was just about the only kind teacher they experienced in twelve years of academic monotony. She may have taught by the book, and the book may have held balderdash, but to question her integrity is like slaughtering a holy cow for burgers. Miss Fruitisweet was patient, kind and loving, and it wasn’t her fault that she too trusted an authority prone to balderdash. Miss Fruitisweet may have brainwashed innocent children, but she did so out of love, meaning well.

In any case, such brainwashed people tend to avoid actual discussion with pleas to authority: “The textbook says so” or “Dr. Pixiznose said so,” or “scientists say”, or “the science is settled,” or “the consensus agrees.” Actually discussing things becomes next to impossible with such people, because they don’t seem to know how to think; only how to believe.

Secondly, politics destroyed a lot of the best research being conducted, because politics demands science prove certain points and discredit others, whereas Truth doesn’t take sides. But the blustering bully of power politics imagined it could control Truth by funding scientists whose research agreed with “their side’s” agenda, and by de-funding those whose research dared disagree. It would not matter if “their side” was saying up was down, money talked, and funding made nonsense “true”.

Such funding is like bribing a judge. It turns the courtroom into a mockery of justice. The judge is not carefully weighing evidence, deeply concerned with righteousness. Instead he is unrighteous. Rather than the clear intellect of a clean conscious, and the purity of untarnished intuition focused on truth, bribes basically turn minds into whores, making a mockery of love, for money.

Besides Dr. Pixiznose’s tendency to be a whore, the media also have proved woefully susceptible to bribes, and became culpable for their sensationalist, blaring headlines of even the most absurd hypotheses that furthered the Global Warming hysteria, and their complete silence concerning the hard work of scientists who found reasons to have hope that the world wasn’t going to end by now. To deepen their disgrace, the media not only censored their own better judgement, but rabidly advocated the censorship of those with far better judgement than the media ever dared manifest.

Lastly, as politics descended from at least a semblance of righteousness into the current squalor of corruption, harmonious cooperation fell apart, especially in terms of arctic research. For example, the Russians were deeply interested in arctic research, considering the thousands of miles of coastline they own, facing the Arctic Sea. They had great resources they wished to exploit, but others felt such exploitation was a bad thing, for various reasons. However initially Russia was able to cooperate with other nations, as is apparent if you look back at my posts about the “Barneo” bases Russia set up every year, (right about now, In early April). Norway and the Ukraine worked hand in hand with Russia in these endeavors, which involved research, military exercises, and tourists who could afford to splurge big bucks, having a blast. Needless to say, Russia and Ukraine are no longer so cooperative, those lovely days are long gone, and “Barneo” is fading into a fond memory.

Even back in 2016 the politics at the Pole were getting intense. If you have the time, here’s a post (I’m rather fond of) about how crazy things were getting even back then.

Now eight years have past, and things have gone steadily downhill. The only good I can see is that the corruption has become so grotesque, and the sham so absurd, that people are getting downright sick of it. Even scientists working in hostile environments, where any outright questioning of Global Warming might get you swiftly fired or, if you have tenure, get your funding cut off, are scientists who tend to avoid mentioning Global Warming at all in the body of their papers, and only add a flimsy genuflection in the conclusion. I sense a sort of wink-wink, nudge-nudge in some of these obligatory genuflections, as if, between the lines, is written, “We all know this is bullshit, but here goes.”

Why are people fed up? Well, you can only screech the sky is falling for so long before people start to notice the sky isn’t.

For example, because air temperatures, and SST (Sea surface temperatures), were well above normal the past year, I expected more sea-ice to melt than usual, but that didn’t happen. In the chart below 1996 is the green line, while 2024 is the blue line. While the 1996 maximum was towards the end of February the 2024 maximum was delayed to the end of March, and while the 1996 level was well above 2024 towards the end of February, by the end of March they are roughly the same. There is no apparent “shocking decline” in the “extent”, despite the passage of 28 long years.

This is also apparent in the DMI graph of the March “extent” (an average for the entire month). In a sense the “trend line” looks silly, for the trend since 1996 has been basically flat, (follow the central line, indicating 15 km2 of extent, and you’ll see the two years are nearly the same.)

The “trend line” included in such graphs is based on the sea-ice level of 1979, which much evidence indicates was the highest level in recent times. Some say it is “the start of the satellite record”, but the first IPCC reports show graphs using satellite data which indicate far lower “extent” levels only a few years earlier, and we have this early “Nimbus” satellite shot from September 1969 which shows a large area of open water towards 80 degrees north latitude, north of Bering Strait.

It is fairly clear that sea-ice has always fluctuated between high and low levels. If you bother study history you see it has been doing so for some time. Willem Barentsz sighted the entrance of Raudfjorden in June of 1596 in a small, sail-powered wooden ship, whereas it would have taken a steel, diesel-powered ice-breaker to have reached the same spot in June of 2023. If I was foolish I could use 1596 as my start day, and create a rising “trend-line” from 1596 to 2023 which could freak everyone out by suggesting sea-ice was growing, and we were all about to freeze. And, back in 1979, we experienced a cold period which caused some false prophets to freak everyone out with “The Ice Age Scare”.

The funny thing is that some now attempt to assert “The Ice Age Scare” never happened.

However I was alive at the time, and can vouch that it did happen. In case you doubt an old man’s memory, Tony Heller used the “way back machine” to compile a long, long collection of media sensationalism which shows that the “Ice Age Scare” was a lot more than, as the above article suggests, “nine paragraphs”.

1970s Global Cooling Scare

One interesting character in the Ice Age Scare was Steve Snider.

What was interesting about Steve was he switched so effortlessly from the Ice Age Scare to the Global Warming Scare. His primary interest seemed to be scaring the public. He seemed to think logic wasn’t enough, and the public was basically imbeciles, and needed to be bossed about by smart people, like himself. He moved on to become a notorious “gatekeeper” at Wikipedia, zealously removing any evidence that Global Warming was anything other than “settled science.” Then he unexpectedly did something I must do, and indeed all must do eventually. He died, at a relatively young age.

It must be odd to die when you think you have years ahead of you. You think you can continue to manipulate data, and that these manipulations of truth will eventually have some result other than the dishonesty you believe is justified. But you do not live to see that day, which you think will excuse all your dishonesty. Instead you are abruptly dead, and all you have to show is a lifetime of deceit. It must be especially hard if you are an Atheist. You die, and abruptly become aware Truth is calling you forward to be judged on what you have done. And what have you done? All you have done is make a good living denying Truth.

Personally I believe my departure from this creation will bring me face to face with Truth. Even back when I attempted Atheism, I believed the final nano-second I was existing would confront me with Truth. Was I honest, or was I a liar?

The problem with being a liar is that you lose touch with Truth. A discrepancy is created, as is displayed in the above graphs. At that point the liar can either confess their mistake, or double down on the lies, attempting to cover up prior lies with further lies. This only doubles the discrepancy, which eventually becomes glaring.

And this is the point we have reached with the arctic sea-ice “Death Spiral” hysteria. There is no “Death Spiral”. In fact, even during this very warm year, when there seemingly should be a decrease in sea-ice, the levels increase. What the heck is going on?

This is what a sane government would pay its scientists to figure out. Instead our insane government pays scientists to support a scare-story which justifies their declaring martial law, so they can have dictatorial powers. What they don’t understand is that, in setting aside real science, they are losing the power real science offers. They may be chuckling to themselves, thinking how a false disaster tricked the public into giving them control, but may at the same time be blind to a genuine disaster. They are sipping tea in a house with exotic rice-paper walls, floating on a houseboat midst water lilies, fed luxuries and fanned by a servile staff with English accents, oblivious to the fact they are just upstream from a thundering waterfall.

One danger we may be about to face is a repeat of the Dalton Minimum. That time of a “quiet sun” ended with a couple of volcanic convulsions that left ash in the ice core samples of both Greenland and Antarctica. One we can identify as Tambora in Indonesia, but the other is a mystery volcano. After all, this happened in 1810, and we hadn’t gotten our satellites up, quite yet.

All the ash and sulfur thrown into the atmosphere by these convulsions led to some bizarre weather, contributing to famines, which contributed to tremendous societal upheavals. (If you want specific details, go through my long-winded past posts.)

One thing they knew nothing about, during the Dalton Minimum, was what was occurring at the bottom of the sea. Now we are seeing a surge in the seismic activity along mid-ocean ridges, which suggests (to some) that besides the eruptions we can see, like the spectacular eruption of Tonga last summer, there are equally spectacular but totally hidden eruptions occurring over a mile down in the deep sea depths.

The temperature of the water down that deep is close to the freezing point of fresh water, and the sudden appearance of lava as hot as 2000 degrees is bound to change the status quo. How so? We have no idea.

We might have had some idea, if the great scientist Bill Gray had been funded. He wanted to study “thermohaline circulation”, however he was honest to Al Gore, and told Al he didn’t think CO2 had all that great an effect on climate, and Al Gore, to his eternal shame, severely cut the funding to an honest and brilliant man. So we know little about “thermohaline circulation”, while we have spent trillions on stuff that basically is disconnected from rational thinking, such as solar power, windmills and electric cars.

However odd stuff is certainly happening to our seas. During the El Nino last winter, when waters to the northeast of Australia are ordinarily cooler than normal, during El Ninos, they abruptly became warmer than normal. Yes, there was seismic activity, and yes, this is just west of the enormous Tonga eruption. And no, this has never been seen before. Lastly, it utterly screwed up many long range forecasts, (such as Joe Bastardi’s), because it introduced a never-seen-before variable.

Dr. Roy Spencer and Dr. John Christie at the University of Alabama noted a spike in temperatures.

I greatly respect these two men, but I will state their focus is on the atmosphere. They haven’t studied seafloor volcanoes much. They are interested in Tonga, but only because it vaporized so much water and sent the steam high into the atmosphere. Ordinarily they do not lower themselves from the heights to study the depths. They are less interested in eruptions two miles down, which may (or may not) have raised the temperatures of the sea-surface northeast of Australia. But I will state they showed an uncharacteristic interest in a study of whether or not there were “plumes” of warm water rising from the depths, which I think shows they knew something weird was going on.

I will also state that, when I peruse the comments following the post, “How Much Ocean Heating is Due To Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents?”, that appeared on Roy Spencer’s site, I am made painfully aware of my own ignorance. My value, if I have any, is primarily as an observer. Back when there were buoys with cameras bobbing about the Arctic Sea it was possible to observe many things which seemed to run contrary to what proponents of the “Death Spiral” theory promised us we’d see. However, once I leave observing and venture into theorizing I step off a shelf and am immediately over my head. Having confessed that, I will state I observed something weird happened last winter.

What was weird? The abrupt appearance of warm water northeast of Australia was weird. It is difficult to explain how weird it was, but I’ll try.

When we attempt to understand a phenomenon such as the El Nino we try to stick to the facts, and not stray from those facts. Even if you believe the Red Sea can be parted, you are not allowed to use belief in your data. Therefore all the El Nino data we had went into creating a clumsy understanding of El Ninos within a computer model, and one component of that understanding was that waters northeast of Australia would be cooler than normal. But last winter utterly broke the rules. Perhaps the Red Sea did not part, but to conventional thinking it was nearly as astounding.

Yet the press ignored the event. It seemed quite unlike them, considering they blame nearly-every-thing-you-can-think-of on Global Warming, but perhaps some recognized the event repudiated the narrative. How so? Global Warming is not a localized event. Background radiation is fair and equal and effects all areas in a smooth manner. This event was concentrated northeast of Australia.

The study which Roy Spencer focused on in the above post was a bit primitive and underfunded. Basically a boat dragged sensors, like a biplane dragging an “Eat At Joe’s” sign up and down a beach. They found no evidence of “plumes” in the small area they crisscrossed, which disappointed me, but which seemed to relieve Christie and Spencer. Perhaps they took it as an indication the oceans were not controlling the atmosphere, and they were not focused on the wrong thing. Or perhaps not. But the fact they actually did look outside their field shows they are real scientists.

My problem is I poke about too much, and have seen evidence of “plumes” in other studies. One fellow was painstakingly tracking the strata of various types of seawater, sliding north like cards in a deck, in the Gulf Stream, with the strata determined by salinity and temperature, and just as the current crossed the mid Atlantic ridge his study got totally screwed up. Something mixed the waters, and, in the diagrams his study produced, the disruptions looked very much like “plumes”, at least to me.

This tickled my fancy, because it seems to me that any disruption of warm currents that basically flow from Florida to the North Pole could result in less sea-ice melting. This makes sense of what is initially counterintuitive: How could lava that warms the SST (sea-surface-temperatures) and atmosphere cause less sea-ice to melt? In this manner: Sea-ice is not melted most from above, but from below. If lava creates a “plume”, and the “plume” interrupts the import of warm waters, it is only logical less melting would occur.

And what happens next? Well, this is what concerns me. The records of long ago, created by using various proxies, show some times of warming followed by abrupt crashes in temperatures. If you want to talk about weird, these crashes are most mysterious. Basically we know they occurred, but not why. Various unverified theories are out there, the most noticed one, (by the mainstream media), involving freshwater lakes abruptly draining into the Atlantic when glacial plugs dissolved and crumbled, but although this may explain a particular down-spike it does not explain others. So I might as well throw my own unverified theory out there.

Suppose a quiet-sun period such as the Dalton Minimum winds down to its end, and the sun gets noisy again. The lava which was so active when the sun was so quiet might cease to be so active, and the abrupt cessation of this warming effect would have obvious repercussions. Some would be more immediate than others. However one repercussion might be a short-term downward plunge in temperature.

Where the Parry expedition in 1819 found summer waters open, and only became frozen in for a winter, and easily escaped the actic the next summer, the Franklin expedition got frozen in so solidly every man on two ships perished, starting in 1845 but likely, because they were so well prepared, taking at least two agonizing years to kill the final sailor. How could the same place get so much colder?

This what we should be studying. Why? Because, what if it is our fate? What happened before can happen again. Won’t we look like complete idiots if, over the next thirty years, there is a dramatic downturn in temperatures, just as we prepare for Global Warming.

This is where Al Gore and his ilk look particularly stupid. Rather than preparing us for disaster, he has diverted trillions of dollars away from what we should have been studying. How different our level of understanding might now be, if only he had heeded Dr. Bill Gray.

And how much I miss Robert W. Felix, and his “Ice Age Now” website.

Stay tuned, (though my focus these days is not so much on sea-ice, but rather rather on how to get back to honesty, and away from wasting so much time and money on bribery and lies.)


I have wondered why I have less desire to post about arctic sea-ice than I once had, and have decided one major reason is that the people I call Alarmists, who I once liked to debate with, increasingly reminded me of petulant children.

Because my Childcare business makes me a “Child Care Professional”, I often deal with children who cannot be reasoned with. The young mind, usually so charming and dream-like, abruptly goes into a sort of attack mode. In fact our word “petulant” is derived from “petere”, an ancient Latin verb which means, (among other things), “to attack”.

(Cartoon from New Yorker Magazine from 1923,)

The two main responses to such childish stubbornness are to either walk away, or to gently restrain. It depends on the levels of danger and/or extreme inconvenience involved. In theory the adult knows what is best, and the child is merely “testing their limits”. Therefore it is best to show them what the limits are.

Sometimes when one “walks away” one is allowing the child to learn what the limits are on their own: “Oh? You don’t want to put on your snow suit? You want to go out into the deep snow in shorts? I guess we can conduct that experiment.” However, midst a tantrum, any actual reasoning with the child is temporarily out of the question.

Over the past twenty years I have found reasoning to be increasingly useless, when talking with Alarmists about arctic sea-ice. Some describe the Alarmist attitude as “the la-la-la-I’m-not-listening approach.” When Alarmists state, “The science is settled”, it is just a way of refusing to listen. What is one to do? Increasingly I simply walk away. If they do not want to talk, I’ll find people who do.

Just to give you an example of how foolish the “settled science” now appears, simply go back a little over sixteen years to December 12, 2007, shortly after a summer when the sea-ice reached the second lowest extent “in the satellite era”; (IE: since 1979). (At the time the 2007 summer extent was the “lowest”). In December the following excitement appeared in the BBC News:

Well, that old news states that, in 2007, sea-ice was suppose to vanish six years in the future, in the summer of 2013, but the stubborn stuff refused to vanish, and still refuses to vanish. You might think this would provoke Alarmists to be humble, and to wonder why they got it wrong, but instead they more closely resemble petulant children dissolving into a blue-faced tantrum.

One thing about petulant children is that, when they go mad, they resort to strategies they think will back the grown-up they are dealing with off. One is to scream, at the top of their lungs, “You are hurting me!” In actual fact all I may be doing is, in the most gentle manner, preventing them from walking out onto dangerously thin ice on our center’s farm pond. I am in fact saving their life. However the small persons thrash about and even slightly hurt themselves, banging their small foreheads against the frozen earth, they are so angry that I won’t let them walk on the thin ice. But I am unmoved by their fury, and eventually they give up, and as we walk away I always am touched by the forgiveness they demonstrate towards me, for they reach up, and we walk hand in hand.

I am not so touched by Alarmists, for they have not yet reached the level of maturity displayed by a four-year-old. Quite the contrary. My small and admittedly inconsequential website has faced “shadow banning” and other aspects of “cancel culture”, which in my opinion is the equivalent of a tantruming child screeching, “You’re hurting me!”

I suppose it could also be seen as a form of bullying, but I cannot really take the bullying of a four-year-old seriously, and the same goes for Alarmists. I tend to simply walk away. If they don’t want to talk, I’ll find people who do.

And there are indeed some interesting things to talk about, which Alarmists are prevented from talking about by the very cancel culture they think they are inflicting upon others, but rather are inflicting upon themselves.

One interesting thing is that ocean temperatures are warmer than they were fifty years ago, but the sea-ice is not melting in the manner one might expect. I personally have seen many of my own ideas (which involve expectations, if not predictions) be challenged, if not demolished. I wonder what is going on. Here is my latest hypothesis:

We tend to look towards the sun and see it as the heater of the seas. The heat at the equator is far greater than at the Pole, (except for during the peak of the the Pole’s midsummer 24-hour days), and in a simplistic way this causes cold polar water to sink and flow south, and warm Equatorial water to rise and flow north. Usually the polar water is below the tropical water. But I say “usually” because there is a contrary state of affairs. Polar water tends to be fresher than Equatorial water, which means that, when temperatures approach equality, saltier Equatorial waters will sink below fresher Polar waters, which complicates matters. Men much smarter than I am have worked hard to understand these differences brought about largely by temperature but to a lesser degree by salinity, and some have endured great hardship and danger going out onto the sea-ice to gather actual data concerning the cold currents heading south and the warm currents heading north, and how they effect sea-ice. However all their hard work betrays a certain prejudice, in my humble opinion. And what is this prejudice? It is that they see currents as horizontal things, or in horizontal terms. They have a harder time factoring in the up-down of vertical currents.

The most common idea of a vertical current involves the situation which occurs when prevailing winds are offshore. Because the surface water is blown away, water from somewhere must replace it, and the water tends to be from the depths.

A second idea of a vertical current involves the fact that when seawater freezes it exudes salt, usually in the form of brine. This largely happens during the refreeze between October and January, and hardly happens at all when the purified ice melts in the summer. Consequently the Arctic Ocean, with the regularity of a heartbeat, experiences a sort of vertical current of descending brine.

However an uncommon idea of a vertical current seems to involve 2000 degree lava abruptly warming 32 degree water, and sending it soaring as a “plume”.

Here is some video of the West Mata Volcano spewing out extremely hot Boninite lavas 4000 feet below the surface of the Pacific ocean:,eruptions%20on%20Earth%20take%20place%20in%20the%20ocean

It seems to me that our planet does not gush lava in a steady manner, but rather is in some odd way controlled by the sunspot cycle, and produces more lava when the sun is “quiet”. It is helpful when such eruptions occur above sea-level where we can see and study them or, even if we can’t, we can see the ash from such above-ocean eruptions in the ice-core samples of both Greenland and Antarctica.

During a period of solar “quiet” called the Dalton Minimum, roughly 200 years ago, there were two massive above-ocean eruptions, one on the island of Tambora on April 10, 1815, but the location of the second (five years earlier) is a mystery, yet the ash from these enormous eruptions was so extensive it can be seen in ice-cores from both Greenland and Antarctica.

I provoked a wonderful discussion about these above-ocean eruptions eleven years ago.

The above post was reposted on the WUWT website. Check there, and you will see the wonderful exchange of ideas occurring in the 158 comments, below the post.

However that discussion all focused on above-ocean eruptions. More recently I’ve been wondering about sea-bottom eruptions. For it occurs to me that, if they occur more frequently above the ocean, during an extended period of “Quiet Sun”, than they would also likely occur more frequently below the surface of the sea, at the same time.

But why would they occur more frequently?

The theory goes something like this:

Our planet has an iron core, which makes it a sort of a giant magnet, and causes it to have a relationship with our sun, which pours out magnetic storms of varying intensity. These magnetic storms occur in a cycle along with the sunspot cycle, and also have the effect of very slightly accelerating and decelerating our planet’s speed of rotation. Although these accelerations and decelerations are so slight they couldn’t even be measured until the invention of modern instruments, they do have an effect on the motion of continental plates. (Think of how you lean forward when a car brakes, and then are pressed back in the seat as the car accelerates). This in turn has an effect on the rate of sea-floor spreading along rifts, which in turn results in the amount of lava warming sea-water not being a steady amount, but rather an amount which increases and decreases in a cycle which is in tandem with the sunspot cycle. Lastly, when the sun becomes particularly quiet, for example during the Maunder and Dalton Minimums, volcanic events may become particularly extreme.

(Mind you, this is all theory, and is subject to ongoing criticism.)

During the Dalton Minimum the two major eruptions occurred more than twenty years into the Quiet Sun period, and, during the current period of having the sun be “quiet” we have seen the massive Tonga eruption more than twenty years in. However what we don’t see, because it is occurring more than a mile down, may matter more, in terms of warming the ocean.

I first wrote about how the volcanoes might melt sea-ice in May of 2021 here:

Then last year, around this time, I brought up the subject again, including the phenomenon of research on such subjects apparently being discouraged, because any sort of “lava-is-melting-sea-ice” hypothesis goes against the Alarmist “CO2-is-melting-the-sea-ice” narrative:

ARCTIC SEA ICE: Undersea Volcanoes In the Arctic; Part 1

This discouragement of research, when it appears remotely threatening to Alarmists, is sad, because, what is so threatening? Largely the threat seems to be to their wallets, and to the power associated with having enough money to buy the assistance of others for various projects (both scrupulous and unscrupulous). (For even a “John” buys the “assistance” of a harlot, when he has certain “project” in mind.)

Cue sidetrack into economics.

It is very hard to be a self-reliant homesteader in modern society. I have first hand experience for, as a poet, I’ve been adverse to getting a Real Job, and at times have avoided needing the “assistance” of others by erecting primitive shelters, cutting my own wood for heating and cooking, growing my own vegetables and raising my own meat (or hunting and fishing and clam-digging.)

Such self-sufficiency takes much time and effort, and little time is left to write poetry. It actually takes less time and effort, and is more rewarding, to find a Real Job in modern society (providing it doesn’t suck you dry.) In simplistic terms, others buy your assistance, and you are paid enough to buy assistance you yourself require. No man is an island. However, to conclude this sidetrack into economics, I fear many Alarmists have taken a Real Job that sucks them dry spiritually. It asks too much, and pays too little.

Many Alarmists are scientists and researchers, but the Real Job they have taken has stringent rules that command they only research in stipulated regimes. They must operate with the myopic vision of a horse wearing blinders, and pay no attention to wonders to either side. This stifles their curiosity, and some ways redefines the word “research” into a narrowness. It is like telling Columbus he can discover all he wants, as long as he never leaves the harbor. It exasperates the very spirit of research.

This is not to say that a scientist shouldn’t specialize. The mind needs to concentrate, in order to focus its light. However such specialization shouldn’t include gross selfishness. It shouldn’t prevent others from specializing in other areas, for this creation we inhabit is far too grand for any single mind to grasp.

Outside the cloistered thought of Alarmists a researcher, Dr. Veterito, has noticed a correlation between sea-bottom seismic activity and the warmth of our oceans:

While Alarmists must stick to their straight and narrow path with the dedication of nuns, I prefer to wander the broad uplands of free thought, and Dr. Veterito has definitely piqued my interest in sea-floor lava, and the possibility of rising plumes of warmer water.

This returns me to the subject of vertical and horizontal currents, and how we need to increase our understanding of them. This is exactly what Dr. Bill Gray desired to do, forty years ago, when he expressed the opinion we needed to better understand the thermohaline circulation of the oceans. I believe Dr. Gray has been vindicated, for here we are, forty years down the road, facing the above graph, which indicates we need to study exactly what Dr. Gray said we should study, forty years ago.

What has held us back? Largely it has been those who believe “the science is settled”. “Further research is not needed”. And the spokesperson for this erroneous belief has been Al Gore. Brimming with confidence that he is righteous, the poor gentleman will likely be remembered as the worst thing to happen to science since Galileo tried to show the Pope the moons of Jupiter through his primitive telescope.

It is likely unfair to portray Al Gore as a moron, for he did demonstrate brilliance in terms of navigating the whitewater rapids of politics, and in monetary terms his net worth is somewhere between 200 and 300 million dollars, which does not suggest stupidity. However science is not about making money or gaining power. Science is about discovering what the truth is. And in this respect Al Gore was less than helpful.

I haven’t the time to go through the sad soap-opera of the clash between Al Gore and Bill Gray in this post, but in a nutshell Bill questioned Al’s belief in Global Warming, and Al responded by cutting Bill’s funding. Research into the way thermohaline circulation works was put on hold.

How can such a thing happen? Well, you had to be alive in those times to understand how bad the pollution was, and how obvious it was. The Cuyahoga River was so polluted that over two decades it six times caught on fire. The picture below is from the 1952 fire.

The tipping point was a much smaller fire on the first day of summer in 1969. The fire was put out in a half an hour and only did some minor damage to the trestles of bridges, but the media back then was as guilty of sensationalism as the modern media is, and Time Magazine used the above photo from 1952 in its article about the 1969 fire. It had the desired effect. Shortly after the first day of winter that same year the EPA was created.

You should notice that the science involved in the above societal change is not subtle, and does not involve much careful measuring. It is crude. “Things are getting really gross, and we need to do something”.

Because I was alive in those days, I can assure you the pollution was indeed very bad. To go into a city was to have your eyes sting. It was common for cars to exude blue smoke from their exhaust pipes. Many young people, myself included, said “we can do better.” That’s all it took to be an environmentalist. One could do badly in science classes, as Al Gore did, and avoid Math classes, as Al Gore (apparently) did, and still be a leader in the environmental movement, as Al Gore was.

However to be a leader in the environmental movement should also include respect for true scientists who do take careful measurements, and who understand how complex our environment actually is, and who are humbled by it. The humbleness of Bill Gray is demonstrated by the simple fact he, in a manner of speaking, stated, “We do not know”, when he urged, “We need to research.” Such humbleness is utterly opposed to the audacity of, “The science is settled.”

Thus one is confronted by an ambiguity wherein the people who know most are most humble, whereas the people who know least wield political power and control the funding.

In this unequal struggle the truer scientists often appear naive, in terms of power and money, though they are brilliant in their field. For example, Roger Revile was a true idealist in terms of getting scientists all over the world working together, but had to deal with antisemitism in San Diego, which eventually cost him his chance to run the oceanographic institute he had worked long and hard to found. So he wound up across the continent, at Harvard, and met Al Gore. Al scooped up only the most superficial details of Roger Revile’s interest in studying CO2’s effect on planetary temperatures, assuming “the science is settled”, when Revile actually desired further research. The year he died in 1991 Revile wrote, “The scientific base for a greenhouse warming is too uncertain to justify drastic action at this time.” The political furor this simple statement unleashed hasn’t died down even to this day, and during his lifetime Revile seemed to be to some degree bewildered by people’s warlike desire to make a fight out of a simple desire to learn more through research.

This warlike tendency to pollute Science with political and economic concerns (which have nothing to do with pure research) is a pollution as bad as the Cuyahoga River fire. It makes things so blatant that one does not need to be a sociologist to have one’s attention grabbed. It is a warped mentality like racism or sexism or antisemitism, and scientists have to waste a lot of time attending to it, like Galileo had to attend to the Pope. Just as few poets are allowed to do what they do best, and instead must work as dishwashers, few researchers are allowed to do what they do best, and instead must work as quasi-politicians. A lot of time, and great minds, are being wasted.

This works me back around to my initial topic, which, in case you have forgotten, is that we need to research more about what is warming our oceans. The science isn’t settled.

The thing which grabs my attention is that the sea-ice is not melting despite the fact the oceans are warmer. To me this suggests something is going on, concerning the currents that transport that warmer water to the Pole.

I chanced upon a study, or a report of a study behind a paywall, which got me thinking. (Unfortunately I neglected to save the link, and cannot give credit where credit is due.) A researcher was working very hard to understand the Gulf Stream, being very careful to measure the thickness and speed of currents at various depths, as the waters were layered due to differences in temperature and salinity, but he was distressed because something came along and totally messed up the layering he was taking such pains to study. The disruptions occurred as the Gulf Stream crossed the Mid Atlantic Rift.

Because of my interest in sea-floor volcanoes my mind immediately jumped to the conclusion that vertical currents above hot lavas were disrupting the Gulf Stream’s horizontal currents. In this manner warming might cause cooling, in a way contrary to what one might expect.

In other words, where a plume of warming water above a Gakkel Ridge volcano might melt the sea-ice directly above it, a plume of warming water south of Iceland might interfere with the Gulf Stream getting to the Pole, in which case warming could cause an increase in sea-ice.

Hey, it’s just an idea, and many of my trial balloons go down in flames like the Hindenburg. However we should be free to exchange all sorts of ideas, and not be cancelled just because we suggest something other than CO2 may control things. We also should be free to leave the land of dreams and conduct actual research, which nudges ideas towards reality.

Quickly glancing at actual facts, the warmer oceans have allowed surges of warmer than normal air to reach polar regions.

It should be noted that such surges of “mild” air, even when twenty degrees above normal, are still ten degrees below the melting point of sea-ice. Furthermore, milder air is moister air and therefore the Pole, a veritable desert, sees increased snowfall. To some degree the snow may inhibit the growth of sea-ice, by insulating the water from the frigid air, but it also encourages the growth of sea-ice for a couple of reasons. First, the snow tends to become stiff and starchy, due to small amounts of salt exuded upwards by the freezing waters, and therefore the snow becomes incorporated as part of the sea-ice’s bulk. And second, when the sun finally rises, white snow does a better job, in terms of “albedo”, than blue sea-ice does. It takes longer for the sun to create melt-water pools when the snow is deeper.

What is most mystifying to me is the “extent” graph, which shows the current extent as the highest of the past six years. We are already well above last year’s maximum.

How is this even possible? With both air and seawater temperatures so much above normal? Inquiring minds want to know. Which is why we should stop abusing our scientists, and instead pay them for doing what they most delight in, which is pure research.

Stay tuned.


Just a quick note, to state the extent of sea-ice is not as low as last year.

This interests me only mildly, as I have learned that, sadly, my observations only get me “shadow-banned”, and that the Global Warming debate has been reduced to a sort of example of political bullying.

The saddest thing about such bullying is that, in it’s eagerness to promote a certain “cause”, it closes its eyes to so much that is fresh and new. By claiming the science is “settled” it denies the originality of each and every dawn. No two snowflakes are alike, and the same goes for fingerprints, even the fingerprints of identical twins.

Coming in a close second, in terms of sadness, is the simple fact the Global Warming Alarmists are refusing to see their mistakes, and insisting upon remaining mistaken. Why? Because mistakes are part of learning. We all make them. We learn from them. If you refuse to admit you make them you are preferring to remain ignorant. To be blunt, while we all may at times be stupid, you are staying stupid.

Coming in third, in terms of sadness, are the things we should study more, but do not study because they in some way threaten the Global Warming “narrative.”

Anything which suggests anything besides CO2 could cause shifts in weather must be denied: Denied funding, denied promotion, and denied basic curiosity which leads to discovery.

In terms of sea-ice, the warmth of the water under the ice is more important than the air above the ice, especially when the sun is low or has set for months on end.

I was expecting the Atlantic to cool, north of the equator, and the fact it has quite surprisingly warmed has made mincemeat of my ideas. I can admit it: I was mistaken. But I don’t get mad about being mistaken and don’t employ some sort of stupid cancel culture to hurt the people who kindly inform me I made a mistake. Rather I eagerly look for the cause, for the thing or things I failed to see.

Joe Bastardi alerted me to the fact that a scientist named Dr. Veterito had noticed that earthquakes along the mid-Atlantic ridge correlate well with rising Atlantic temperatures.

How could earthquakes warm water? Well, if they were associated with lava flowing out along the ocean bottom, they could.

The Alarmists become alarmed, not because of the lava, but because Dr Veterito’s idea dares to suggest something other than CO2 could cause warming of any sort.

Poor Alarmist fools.

But what could cause more lava to come out?

Our sun does not shine in a regular, steady manner, but rather has amazing fluctuation which lead to short-term sunspot cycles and longer term cycles where our sun is very active or is “quiet”. But how could something as gentle as a sunbeam affect things as mighty as Volcanoes? Well, apparently besides the sunbeams we see there is other stuff we don’t. There are magnetic storms, and, because our planet has an iron core, such solar magnetism can speed up and slow down the spinning of our earth. The accelerations and deccelerations are tiny, but enough to vary the rate lava flows out of the mid-Atlantic ridge. Or so goes the theory.

Therefore when a part of the Pacific abruptly and unexpectedly became warmer, breaking rules usually seen in El Ninos,

People like Joe Bastardi must swiftly adjust their forecasts to deal with new variable, and people like Dr. Veterito must look to see if seismic activity is involved.

Yes, seismic activity was involved. Correlation is not Causation, but it looks well worth further study, rather than cancel culture.

That may seem a long way from sea-ice, but, as I said, warmer waters melt sea-ice. Last year the extent was lower, as I’d expect, and so I expected even less this year. But so far I’ve been mistaken. (Once again). How is this possible?

I have given this some thought ever since I noticed unexpected holes appearing in sea-ice, which I wondered might be due to sea-bottom volcanoes.

This oddity appeared north of Iceland. The mid-Atlantic ridge is above the sea in Iceland, and the spreading makes headlines

But north of Iceland the mid-Atlantic ridge plunges to more than a mile below the surface. It is expensive to research such deeps. Under the great pressures of such depths the physical laws we take for granted are strangely warped. It seems a fascinating and wonderful world to explore, but, of the trillions spent on “Climate Change”, I’d wager more has been spent to suppress such discoveries than to further them.

But this is tiresome old news. I’ve been there and done that, and wrote about it here:

I’ll conclude by giving you my idea about why warmer water is not melting more sea-ice.

As currents enter, circle, and depart the Arctic Ocean they do so at varies depths, determined by temperature and salinity. Scientists have worked at some risk out on the sea-ice to drill holes and measure the various layers, and map the various currents. They have done an amazing job. But something is screwing up their calculations. It makes them look like, despite the care they have taken, they are “mistaken”.

Welcome to the club.

I chanced upon one observation by a scientist studying the Gulf Stream’s warm and salty water as it headed north, a very clear layer with clear thermoclines, and he happened to mention that sometimes the very clear layers got messed up, as the current crossed the mid-Atlantic ridge.

I am leaping to a conclusion here, but might up-wellings of warm water from sea-bottom lava actually interfere with the transport of Gulf Stream waters to the Pole? Thus warmer water could cause less sea-ice melting, the very opposite of what you would expect.

The rebuttal to my theory would be actual research.

But the trillions spent on understanding our climate are squandered more on preventing research than on conducting it. Dr. Bill Gray pleaded for money to study the currents of the Atlantic, and Al Gore snidely de-funded him, because Gore cared only for power and money, and not Truth. In like manner Michael Mann has spent how many millions on lawfare, because men like Dr. Tim Ball offended his precious ego by pointing out his “hockey stick graph” was balderdash. This has nothing to do with digging for Truth, and everything to do with the ignorant desiring increased stupidity.

When I was young someone told me I’d be judged by the company I keep. When I speak with Alarmists I fear I may be judged for keeping company with complete morons.


There was some wonderful research done nearly two decades ago which deserved further funding, but which received a cold shoulder because it did not support the “Narrative.”

There’s apparently a part of the Arctic coastline, (I believe in the
north of Greenland or of the Canadian Archipelago), where the isostatic rebound as ice melted was so great that it actually rose shorelines faster than the swiftly rising sea. Therefore that coastline is the one bit of coastline where we can see the coastlines of thousands of years ago.

I was especially interested in the research done along that coast because it discovered signs of human habitation along that ancient coastline. Everywhere else along the arctic coast any evidence is buried under the waters of the risen sea. But along that swiftly risen shore scientists discovered simple evidence, circles of stones with charcoal inside, that radiocarbon dated thousands of years old.

It should be noted that that coast is so far north that not even
Inuit go there. Rarely is the coast ice-free. Occasionally polynyas form when southerly gales blow the sea-ice offshore, but usually the ice comes grinding back, as that coast receives the full brunt of sea-ice propelled by the crosspolar drift. The constant grinding of sea-ice
creates a beach that looks very different than a beach formed by lapping waves.

The constant grinding of the ice against the shore often packs the ice so tightly that air-holes are few and far between, thus creating an
ecosystem seals avoided, and because there were few seals there were no polar bears. Consequently meeting a 1500 pound polar bears was one worry researchers didn’t have. However there were mosquitoes, (though what blood mosquitoes had to suck when there were no researchers about was not explained). However along
this shore young scientists scurried. (How they got the funding to
travel to one of the most remote beaches on earth I can’t say.) But they would be the last to call such a place “God forsaken”, because
everywhere they looked they saw revelations.

Among these young researchers was a (back then) young lady, and she wrote a lovely paper, excited about what she had noticed. (I recall thinking to myself that in July most young ladies would go to a beach where they could show off in a bikini, but this young lady loved science, and chose a different beach.) What she noticed was that, as one walked upwards above the shoreline (and, in a sense, back in time), the geology changed. Rather than the shoreline geology created by grinding ice one saw the geology created by lapping waves. In other words, the geological evidence suggested that thousands of years ago the Arctic Ocean was ice free.

This hypothesis was in a sense verified by the primary aim of the field study, which was apparently to collect specimens of ancient driftwood from the various beaches above the modern beach, which then would be brought south to labs, and radio carbon-dated. (This search was complicated by the ancient humans, who apparently burned every stick of driftwood they could find.) Enough chips of driftwood remained to determine the date the sea had washed various levels of the rising shoreline.

But then some of these eager young researchers went the extra mile.
Besides determining the age of the chips of driftwood, they determined the species of tree. And some were not local. Some were from trees that only grow inland in Asia. They must have floated down flooding rivers like the Lena, but how did they cross the Arctic Ocean? Was this not evidence the sea was not covered in ice, in the past?

Although I was a witness from afar, I was as eager as they seemed to be. Surely another grant of money should allow them to return to this remote beach. I especially wanted archaeologists to join them, and to focus on the ancient humans who wandered coasts where even Inuit don’t go. But…strangely….the funding utterly dried up.

I think we know why. The fact the arctic may have been ice-free in
the past, and the world did not end because of it, might contradict the current “Narrative”, which suggests that, if the arctic becomes
ice-free, the world will end.

What was so important about this “Narrative”?

I believe that the denial of evidence these young researchers were so excited about discovering, (and to refuse to fund them further is indeed a denial), was intentional. It was deliberate.

But what good did it do? Did it not instead do harm?

Think of those young scientists, who sacrificed their summer to do a
field study in a remote and uncomfortable beach, yet returned excited
about what they had discovered, but who received no accolades, and
instead experienced a sort of cancel culture. What did they “learn”?

And think of the rest of us. How much more we might have discovered if we had followed-up on the young scientists initial expedition? How much more enlightened might we be?

The Truth is up there waiting to show itself, but those who control the funding seemingly cower from Truth. They obey the “Narrative”.

Which is to say that they prefer to stay stupid.

When stupidity is deliberate, ignorance is more than perpetuated; in some ways it is created. After all, the young scientists ended our ignorance twenty years ago. To disdain their hard work is a sort of willful blinding of clear vision. It has a corrosive effect on society as a whole, but most especially upon those who chose to be stupid.

Those who prefer to stay stupid think they gain something, (money or position or power), but they in fact lose. There are inevitable consequences to staying stupid. Others find answers where you find none, and a fog of growing blindness increasingly handicaps.

My conclusion? We are reminded of our imperfections and our ignorance quite enough, by our daily lives, which is why we seek answers. We should not seek stupidity.

ACTIC SEA-ICE –2023 Minimum–

The sea-ice seems to have passed its minimum extent for this melt-season, and the refreeze has begun.

Once again the sea-ice failed to melt away during the summer, which I wish it would do, if only to demonstrate no disaster results from it.

My personal assessment is that the arctic likely was largely ice-free during the Medieval Warm Period, and perhaps, briefly, as recently as 1817. (While this definitely has an effect on northern lands, the effect is mostly beneficent. For example, the Greenland Vikings were able to provide food and liquid water for livestock during the winter, at numbers unthinkable today: Several thousand cattle and roughly a hundred thousand sheep and goats.)

The entire theory that CO2 would cause the sea-ice to undergo a “death spiral”, and the resultant ice-free Arctic Sea would cause the planet to overheat and oceans to “boil” was and is poppycock, based on an idea our planet was and is terribly fragile, when our planet was and is tough.

If our planet was as delicate as some suggest, and able to be knocked out of kilter by the perturbation of a single “feedback”, it would have long ago since happened. The fact of the matter is that the “feedbacks” that exist on our planet tend to restore balance, and have done so over and over, despite terrific volcanic eruptions and meteor strikes and solar storms.

I am in no mood to lay out all the evidence for the above paragraph. I’ve been there and done that, and all it does is get me censored and shadow-banned. For example, back in 2015 I wrote a Post which recieved 2000 views the week I published it, which has now pretty much vanished from search engines:

The funny thing about that old post, now eight years old, is A.) It correctly foresees the current political nonsense and B.) I am personally rooting for less sea-ice, but for politically incorrect reasons.

The political nonsense basically boils down to a pseudoscientific sort of “Fake News”. The characters involved are well aware they mouth balderdash, but deem the scam worth the pay they recieve. They in essense have sold their souls.

Susan Crockford does a very good job of describing how “polar bear scientists” Ian Stirling and Andrew Derocher were able to get polar bears listed as “endangered” despite the fact polar bear populations were increasing and they were not threatened, and then used that “danger” to milk funding and please certain politicians:

The divorce between the political narrative of “Climate Change” and the work of true scientists has gradually widened over the past 35 years, since James Hansen alerted congress to “immanent disaster” in 1988 (with “immanent” redefined since then, but still used by pseudoscience).

Increasingly there is little effort to be scientific at all, for “the science is settled.” There is no further work for scientists to do. All scientists may now depart. Only true believers are welcome to the trough brimming with tax dollars. But….the trough is threatened. The murmuring of taxpayers is increasingly a rumbling grumble, like a lion about to roar. Therefore, the politicians and pseudoscientists complaisant in this almighty scam are increasingly frantic. They are cats on a tin roof of their own making, and the heat is getting turned up.

There’s not much I can do about this messy situation. I gave my advice decades ago, and it was to be honest and tell the truth. “Stand by the truth and Truth will stand by you.” No one wanted to listen, and I was actually excluded from the parties. Now? Now I am not on the hot tin roof the cats are on.

Also, I get to ignore all the political hoopla and notice what is actually occurring, and must freely confess it is not what I expected.

The warming of the oceans, (likely due to increased seismic activity along the midocean rifts exposing lava to deep sea waters), is making a mess of certain cycles I would expect to see, had the AMO and PDO followed more traditional patterns. My predications are wrong. I can admit it.

There should have been a far greater “recovery” of sea-ice north of Siberia than we have seen. There is an actual tendril of multiyear ice in the East Siberian Sea, but it is tiny compared to what I expected.

Given time, I hopefully can explain further, but in a nutshell I’d say that if the lava-warming persists we may see less sea-ice next summer. It will have nothing to do with CO2, and by next summer, (should the political situation continue to deteriorate), I don’t think many will care all that much about arctic sea-ice. The Alarmists may finally see the low extents they have yearned for, but no one will give a damn.

Stay tuned.


The sun is still up at the Pole, but sinking towards the horizon, and at this point in the summer it starts to loose its power. When at it’s highest it makes people manic, for it is high enough to warm twenty-four hours a day. But those heady days are done. Now, if a cloud passes over the sun, a skim of ice grows on the water bucket.

Back in the pre-lock-down days, when people were free, there used to be whack-job college students out on the Arctic Sea every summer, supposedly documenting the “Death Spiral” of Sea-ice, but actually just having fun. They had feared they’d have to work a Real Job at a car wash all summer, but had written a proposal about the scientific value of being the first to reach the Pole by Pogo-stick, and to their complete amazement someone bought their B.S., and they abruptly had an amazing (to a student) $80,000.00 to play with. And then, through the wonders off satellite technology, I could sit back, click onto their website, and watch young clowns having the time of their lives.

It was always the same. During June and July the sunshine made them crazy. They were in no hurry. Then, right about now, it was like a shadow rose. All of a sudden they were in a great, big hurry. Summer does not last forever, and the Arctic Sea is especially clear about this.

Evidence is seen in the fact that temperatures dip below freezing long before the sun actually sets on September 20. Temperatures tend to dip below freezing around August 15, according to the Danish Meteorology Institute.

This year is represented by the orange line, in the above graph, and you can see that this year we actually first dipped below freezing on July 29. But today we have poked “above normal” for the fifth time since April 24, so I suppose the other 104 days of spring and summer’s cool will be ignored, and we can expect headlines screaming “Polar Temperatures Above Normal.”

In actual fact this site has documented for ten years that around this time of year, every recent year, temperatures have tended to move from below normal to above normal. I assume it is because this time of year the sun stops being a major influence, and temperatures are instead determined by the humidity of the air, which in turn is determined by the temperature of the sea water.

This blows a hole in the Death Spiral Theory. It blows a hole today, and it blew a hole fifteen years ago. The Death Spiral Theory has such a hole blown in it that it resembles a pigeon shot by a bazooka.

Why? Because the Death Spiral Theory depends on the idea of ice-free water absorbing sunshine.

This actually occurs in parts of the Arctic Sea which are ice-free when the sun is thirty degrees high in the sky. Along the coasts of the marginal seas, especially close to river deltas pouring out summer waters, water temperatures are sun-warmed and get far above freezing. However, further out, ice in the water makes the water be ice-water, and ice-water must be, by definition, at the freezing point (which can vary due to salinity.) By the time large parts of the Arctic Sea start to show waters that are largely ice-free, the sun has sunk down to ten degrees above the horizon, or lower.

At this point the water no longer absorbs sunlight. If you doubt me, and are at a beach, go snorkeling in the late afternoon when the sun dips down near the horizon. Above the surface it may still be definitely daylight, but underwater it is night.

This occurs because the “albedo” of water increases greatly when light hits it at a shallow angle. Rather than penetrating the light is reflected. In fact the “albedo” of glassy water is greater than that of dirty snow, when the sun is down near the horizon. And this blows a huge hole in the Death Spiral Theory.

Why? Because the sea-ice will keep right on melting for another month, (not due to warm air above but due to slightly warmer waters beneath), and yet any open waters exposed will not absorb heat from sunshine. In fact the waters will lose heat through being exposed, and will reflect heat because the sun hits at such an increasingly shallow angle. For the next thirty days any exposure of water will represent a net loss, not a net gain, of heat for the Arctic Sea. In other words, rather than a “Death Spiral” that endlessly results in less sea-ice, open water tends to counterbalance things, and increase sea-ice.

If you look back through millions of words on this blog, going all the way back to July 2013, you will see me being very patient with Alarmists. Over and over I point out the “Death Spiral” fails to verify it’s assertions. Meanwhile my observations, (if you dignify them to the status of a “theory”), over and over do verify.

Have we yet seen the ice-free Pole Al Gore promised us would occur by 2016? No. Instead we see what amazes me a little, considering the warmth of the oceans. Sea-ice “extent” is higher than other recent years.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am under the impression that a “spiral” is suppose to move in a certain direction. In the case of a “Death Spiral” the direction is down. This is not down.

I would like to move on to the far more interesting topic of the warming seas, and what is warming them, for that is reality and what we should be attending to. However, sadly, we are ruled by some with a poor grasp of reality.

It is my understanding that next week Fraudulent Biden will declare a “Climate Emergency”, and will attempt to enact “emergency powers”, as if we were at war.

There is no emergency. The weather is what the weather is, and includes some extremes, but the weather is usually nice and boring. However to say there is no emergency may get me in trouble.

After all, simply saying there is no Arctic Death Spiral apparently got me “shadow banned.” (Or maybe it was some other honesty.)

If you look back in this blog you will see that, during the China Virus “emergency”, when they enacted “lock downs”, I refused to be locked down, and my Childcare never closed. True, I found a loophole in the law that made me look legal for not closing, but the fact of the matter is that if I’d had no loophole I likely would have broken the law, because the law was basically unlawful.

If the puppet president actually declares a “climate emergency”, and actually attempts to enact various “lock-downs” (such as rationing gasoline and outlawing gas stoves), I fear it may be “a bridge too far”.

The public has been very patient, (amazingly so), but it seems those who relied on distorting truth are cornered rats, because truth is exposing their distortions. To declare an emergency when there is no emergency is something only a cornered rat would do.

Things could happen very rapidly. After all the talk about “tipping points” involving things like arctic sea-ice, the actual “tipping point” might be the walls closing in on Fraudulent Biden and his “bag-man” son Hunter, about to be exposed for bribery. In such a desperate situation, why not declare a “climate emergency” and attempt to grab dictatorial powers? If you get away with it you rule America; if you lose you go to jail, which is what you may get if you do nothing.

Hopefully saner heads will work hard behind the scenes, but I have not seen much evidence of sanity this past decade. Therefore, though I hope for the best, I prepare for the worst.

What is the worst? Well, this blog may be judged “traitorous” for stating there is no emergency. Then I vanish, to join the ranks of the “disappeared”.

What does this mean, in terms of what I have long stated: “Stand by the Truth and the Truth will stand by you.”

Will it prove Truth is weak? After all, all I have been guilty of is a thirst for the Truth, because Truth is beauty. I have steadfastly refused to accept anything simply because it is politically correct to do so. At the same time, I have never fired anyone for their beliefs, nor struck anyone for their beliefs, nor burned down their business. My worst offense is to ridicule some for their beliefs, but that is justified when they are ridiculous, and started the fight by ridiculing me. And now they perhaps win the fight by cancelling me. So, did Truth stand by me?

Does it matter? In a battle those who fall don’t “win” in a worldly sense. In the Battle of Gettysburg 25,000 fell on each side. 50,000 didn’t “win”, though both sides felt they stood by some version of mortal truth, (without a capital “T”). However their sacrifice changed the course of human history: (Namely, for a while slavery was illegal, though it is now making a comeback.)

In the end Truth, I like to believe, is there to help those who fall in battle back to their non-physical feet, after they “drop their physical body.” Death is something we fear only until the door opens. Then? Well, William Blake’s final words were the exclamation, “The angels are tying ribbons to my toes!”

Truth is the only thing worthy of worship, and those who deem it wise to distort and pervert and mangle Truth are like those who crucified Christ. Any short-term euphoria they gained had a hell of a hangover.

Simply watching the untruthful, it seems to me they do a fairly good job of destroying themselves, without any help from me, or from thunderbolts from heaven. The rot must set in if you behave in a rotten manner. No perfume can cover the stink of your shit, if you shit in inappropriate places, like your own pants.

If his fraudulence does proclaim a climate emergency, it seems he is digging his own grave. But in the process I may vanish. In which case I assert: Truth alone is worthy of worship.

Stay tuned.


It is the depths of winter in the southern hemisphere, and sea-ice is expanding off the coast of Antarctica. However it is not growing as swiftly as it ordinarily does. It is behind schedule, and setting record lows in terms of coverage, which of course generates headlines. Unfortunately the headlines seem to display little curiosity, for, of course, they already have their answer: “Global Warming”.

I deem this a great pity, for unusual events often teach us by exposing things we did not know were possible. This suggests we did not have the answer. If we had the answer we would not be surprised.

Here is the most simple graph I could find, demonstrating how below normal the sea-ice extent is, for this time of year:

And here is a far more complex and interesting graph which shows the same thing

One thing made obvious by the above graph is that the South Pole is very different from the North. Southern sea-ice forms far from the actual South Pole, and in some ways should not be called antarctic sea-ice, but rather be called sub-antarctic sea-ice. The waters being frozen are at the latitude of Iceland. For this reason the extent expands out to a sort of limit, quite early in the winter compared to the northern hemisphere, and then the sea-ice battles to hold its ground against the amazing gales of those stormy oceans. Then, during the Antarctic summer, nearly 90% of the sea-ice melts. In essence, for large stretches of the coast, it all melts, every single year. All of it melts, without headlines. Then, when winter returns, unbelievably cold and dense air starts to pour off the Antarctic highlands, often reaching gale force, and the inshore waters don’t stand a chance. The salt water freezes so rapidly it forms “fingers of death”, which is so cool I can never resist sharing this old video:

This video should make it clear we are dealing with extreme cold. The sea-ice is not slow to form this year because conditions are balmy. A quick check of stations on the continent do not show anything close to a thaw, and temperatures below -100 (-73 Celsius) are common.

Therefore we should be intrigued. Why is the sea-ice slow to form?

The two immediate suspects are winds and waters.

Winds may be the culprit because wind can shift sea-ice to an amazing degree. The record-setting (at its time) low arctic extent of 2007 likely was due to much sea-ice being blown south through Fram Strait, and if we go back before we had Satellites and Airplanes, some observations of whalers suggest 2007 was a minor event, compared to other years. In 1817 they reported no sea-ice between Greenland and the Pole, (that they could see), and that same year ice was grounding on the coast of Ireland.

We actually owe whalers a lot for their observations, as they risked their necks to get oil. Petroleum was discovered in the nick of time, for whales were hunted to the verge of extinction. It was fossil fuels, and not environmentalists, that saved the whales.

However the mobility of sea-ice had its part to play. As whales grew scarce whalers ventured to a dangerous degree out into the sea-ice, and in 1871 they went too far. South winds had pushed the sea-ice away from the north coast of Alaska, the fleet ventured along that coast, and then the winds swung around and brought all that sea-ice south like the crunching jaws of a tyrannosaurus. Nearly the entire fleet was trapped, but everyone kept their cool, and the ships that escaped dumped their oil and made room for the people from the trapped ships, and not a life was lost. In fact everyone went to Hawaii, which was likely a nice vacation, before facing the cold fact whaling was finished, as a New England industry.

Besides showing how history can teach us about how winds can shift sea-ice, even without computers or satellites, the above picture should demonstrate an inherent weakness in the “extent” graphs. In 1871 the “extent” graph would have dipped down, as the sea-ice was blown north, and then have spiked up, as the sea-ice was blown back south, and it would have not involved temperature at all. Temperature, and therefore Global Warming, isn’t the cause of everything.

Keeping this in mind I turn to a third graph which shows how slowly sea-ice has formed off Antarctica this year. And I compare this year with 2016 (black line) and 2021 (red dashed-line).

Again, the blue line is so far from the norm we should be intrigued and seek explanations, but I also point out we have not been able to record Antarctic temperatures all that long, and have far fewer records from sailing ships to look back upon. To be blunt, our reasonably good records only go back to 1979. Heck, by then I was already twenty-six years old, and you couldn’t tell me anything.

The reason I chose 2016 to put on the graph is because it goes from setting the record for the highest sea-ice extent on September 1 to rivaling 2021 for setting the record for the lowest sea-ice extent by the middle of the month. You can’t tell me some amazing heat wave arrived and melted all the ice. It almost certainly was due to winds compressing sea-ice spread out over a large area into a much smaller area.

Before we jump to any conclusion we might be wise to wait-and-see. Perhaps the sea-ice is currently compressed, and a shift of winds may spread it out like a small pat of butter over a large piece of toast.

That being said, I will say we need to look at water temperatures. See my earlier posts if you desire graphs. It cannot be denied that, when it comes to actually melting sea-ice, nothing is remotely as effective as warm water.

I have no facts at my fingertips. I am just saying our curiosity should yearn for such facts. I do know an El Nino is growing to the north, but that is far from these waters, and actually is “downstream”. We need more data, and do not need blaring voices howling “Global Warming”, without any data at all.

Lastly I must say that there is one other thing that might explain the slow growth of sea-ice. I only say this because a decade ago I did not consider such a thing, and wound up embarrassed, as did the person I was debating. Neither of us considered the real reason for the deviation from normal we were deeply engrossed in discussing. And what was the real reason?

The satellite was malfunctioning.


It seems a bit humorous to me that the elite accuse those they seek to “cancel” of “denial”, when the very act of cancelling is denying. It is like slamming a door or clashing shut the Venetian blinds. It is saying, “Your view must be denied, for it is harmful.” So who is the denier?

My father was a surgeon at the Massachusetts General Hospital back in the days when it was actually run by doctors, and one thing that impressed me as a boy was how eager the doctors were in those days for second and third and fourth opinions. They were very aware that every patient was different, and some who should have gotten sicker got well, while some who should have improved got worse. Therefore they were always comparing notes. There was no shame in saying that a cure that had always worked wasn’t working. It was part of being a doctor. So they turned to each other and inquired, “Has this ever happened to you?” And sometimes they’d get odd answers, such as, “Yes, and I did not know what to do, but my grandmother suggested I make the patient eat some blue cheese, and I thought what the hell and tried it, and I’ll be damned if they didn’t show a remarkable improvement.”

One of the most ugly aspects of the China virus was the cancelling of second and third and fourth opinions. There were many eager doctors wanting to help, but they were denied. The rot had set in.

I have no great desire to document the rot. It has been done by many brave journalists more skilled than I am, and the only result seems to be that they get cancelled. Or, perhaps I should not say that is the only result. Another result is that journalist abruptly wears a medal of honor, for if you haven’t been canceled by the rot, you are rotten.

The latest to be canceled was the Noble prize winner for physics in 2022, Dr. John Clauser. He ventured a second opinion, concerning Global Warming, and swiftly learned a Noble Prize gives you no authority to speak. The swamp-rot giveth, and the swamp-rot taketh away.

Dr. John Clauser now wears a medal of honor, for being cancelled by the rot. However the rot seems blithely heedless of how grotesquely hypocritical they appear, when they honor a man on Monday only to dishonor him Tuesday.

Have they no shame? White powder is discovered at the White House, but after the initial alarm about anthrax poison, it is discovered it is “only” cocaine, and the incident is “broomed”, and in a sense cancelled. And the rot thinks people don’t notice?

In a sense a Nobel Prize Laureate gets the same treatment as a bag of cocaine. Both get cancelled. When I am a Nobel Prize Laureate, that will piss me off.

However, as my great poetry currently is more prone to getting me canceled than to earning me the Nobel Prize which I think I deserve, I just want to run away from the rot. It has a reek that repels me. I want to look at clean clouds, or, because the weather is hot, to look at arctic sea-ice.

Sadly, it is hard to get any views of sea-ice any more. In a strange sense such beautiful views have also been canceled. Even the Barrow, Alaska webcam went off-line on June 19 and hasn’t been fixed. I assume the rot doesn’t want us to use our own eyes, and instead just wants us to see what they allow.

Unfortunately for them rot is not pretty. I want sea-ice, which is pretty. So I’ll look back through archives to past views, and some of the most beautiful views were created by and through the Barneo site. And one thing I noticed while looking back, right off the bat, was that this beauty, (and profit) was created by Russia and Ukraine working together. Take a gander of what they did, before the rot set in. The base is Russian but the jets are Ukrainian.

Not that Russians and Ukrainians didn’t have their differences, but they managed to face some big problems, such as occurred when a Ukrainian jet landed too hard in 2015.

The above post includes some neat pictures I dredged up of a DC-3 landing on sea-ice north of Alaska in 1975. Another crashed on Fletcher’s Ice Island in 1952 (I think) and drifted about the Arctic until the early 1980’s.

This crashed airplane eventually sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic when the ice-island exited the arctic via Fram Strait and crumbled, likely down by Denmark Strait. Not a peep do I recall ever hearing about this American pollution of the sea bottom. However the Ukrainian jet sitting crashed at the Russian base caused an uproar among environmentalists in 2015-2016, and led to a good post (in my humble opinion).

The sad thing about the above post is that, despite all the politics involved, there is more humor than tragedy. Yes, Greenpeace activists do get taught a lesson by boarding Russian ships and winding up in Russian jails, but it was only for a few months and nobody died.

It took the rot, to take a situation which was under control, and make it become a war where thousands upon thousands have died. Have the rotten no shame? Apparently not. If you dare say, “Give peace a chance”, they promptly cancel you.

And the rot thinks ordinary people don’t notice?

People do. So the rot thickens.

ARCTIC SEA-ICE —An Oddly Cool Pole—

Considering all the Alarmist hoopla about last month being the hottest ever recorded, it seems a bit odd there is no sign of warmth at the Pole. In fact, in the last 75 days, only 5 have been above normal, north of 80 degrees latitude.

While sea-ice “extent” has perpetuated the trend of the warm AMO to produce “extents” on the low side, the yearly melt is a little less low than other recent years.

“Extent” can no longer be a talking-point for Alarmists, when the June level not only bucks the “trend”, but exceeds the level of 2005

But what about sea-ice “volume”? In early June it was at the lowest levels ever seen (not that we’ve been watching long.)

We see it has now gotten back in line, and, among recent years, only last year was higher.

This ought make us wonder. Why is the “hottest year ever” having no effect on the Pole? The problem then becomes avoiding stepping on the toes of Alarmists, while seeking an answer. And they have very big toes. And they stick them all over the place. If you are not careful they will trip you up. You will be sprawled into a posture of political incorrectness, simply by taking the logical steps any sane scientist would take, seeking an answer.

You see, they believe “the science is settled” and this means they already have the answer. Do they? I think not, for they can’t explain why the Pole is cool when it is “the hottest year ever”. One is driven to seek what they missed. But when you suggest they missed something you are saying settled science isn’t entirely settled, and that hurts their big toes.

If you are dependent on grants and subsidies and funding from the foisters of fabulous fraud, you must walk on eggs to avoid abrupt poverty, but I am not dependent in this manner, for I study for the fun of it. So forgive me if I break eggs and squash toes.

It appears to me that the theory that the seas would “boil”, (according to Al Gore; not me), because the sea-ice would all melt and allow runaway warming, just plain isn’t happening. The seas are in fact warming, but are doing so without the ice-free North Pole we were told was a prerequisite of the “Death Spiral” process. Therefore the Pole is not causing the warming seas. So what is?

Lava? Lava down deep in the sea? It is not politically correct to wonder in this manner, but some are doing so:

This lava would be especially prevalent where continental drift is basically cracking the crust of the planet, in the oceans between the drifting continents. One such crack, AKA “seafloor spreading”, divides the Atlantic into east-moving and west-moving sides, from the Arctic Sea north of Russia down to Antarctica. The crack widens fairly fast, in geological terms, and in places can approach an inch a year. However it is not an empty crack. It is a crack lava wells up into. What is also interesting is that the earthquakes the crack makes when widening, AKA “mid-ocean seismic activity”, are not a steady clicking like a clock, but occur in surges or cycles, and recently have increased, and, as they have increased, the Atlantic has warmed in a way that correlates.

What has this to do with sea-ice? Well, you’d be surprised how far afield a free mind, unafraid of stepping on toes, can ramble, seeking answers. Lava can seem the opposite of sea-ice, but the explosion of two enormous volcanoes between 1810 and 1815 apparently affected sea-ice. And the British Navy. But this takes us even farther afield, into the study of history.

Do you see how my mind works? I’m a Jack of all trades, and master of none. But unless your mind is nimble you can’t grasp any sort of decent overview.

If lava seems the opposite of sea ice, a gentle sunbeam surely seems the opposite of an exploding volcano. However the sun is gigantic, and besides gentle sunbeams it apparently sends surges of other energies that effect continental drift. That (theoretically) is why the above graph shows a rise in “mid-ocean seismic activity”, and also may explain the amazing explosion of Tonga last year. This movement of lava may have something to do with the sun being “quiet”. So let’s look back to the last time the sun was so quiet, called the “Dalton Minimum”. Let your mind be nimble.

We have no idea (that I’ve seen) regarding “mid-ocean seismic activity” back then in the 1810-1815 period, but we know of two “Tongas”. The first “Tonga”, in 1810, left ash seen in ice-cores in both Greenland and Antarctica, but we don’t know where it blew. Either an unmapped island vanished from maps before it could be mapped, or it was a peak so remote that even now geologists haven’t studied it’s slopes to a degree where they know its past history, (perhaps up in the Andes in South America). But we do know that the explosion five years later, in 1815, was the island of Tambora in Indonesia, and was so huge Krakatoa looks small in comparison. Tambora’s explosion was so massive that it gets all the attention, and the blame for crop failures that followed, but less spectacular lava may have been oozing in other places, hidden from sight beneath the sea, at it also may have effected the climate and crops.

If you let your mind be nimble, and study history, you see some neat stuff. For example, rather than warmer, the Atlantic became so cold in 1817 that Western Europe had a year with no summer. (Eastern Europe suffered heat waves.) Icebergs grounded on the coast of Ireland, which was unheard of, and hasn’t happened since. However, strangely, whaling ships noted there was no ice north of Greenland. Apparently it had all been flushed down into the Atlantic, and may have been why the Atlantic was so much colder.

Now it just so happens that this past year saw lots of sea-ice flushed south through Fram Strait and down the east coast of Greenland through Denmark Strait, which separates Greenland from Iceland. This subtraction of sea-ice from the Central Arctic was one reason the “volume” graph (seen above) crashed so steeply in May and early June. Much more sea-ice than usual was exported.

Also the ice was shore-to-shore in Denmark Strait as late as mid June. This jumped out at me because my nimble mind is always looking for sea-ice around Iceland, as it is something mentioned in old histories from time to time; a notable event; and this helps us picture the situation long before we had satellites or even airplanes. It is rare nowadays to see sea-ice shore-to-shore even in the depths of winter, so seeing it on June 16 astonished me.

Of course, the sea-ice had plenty of gaps of open water; the above NRL “thickness” map blends open water with thicker ice and gives you an “average”. You’d have to hop like a super kangaroo to actually cross the ice from Iceland to Greenland.

In any case, it was close enough to 1817 to get my nimble mind looking south to see if there was any Atlantic cooling, or any bergs grounding in Ireland. Nope. If anything, there was warming:

The failure of the Atlantic to cool might discourage a person who had to prove a certain “narrative” was true, in order to earn a paycheck. If my “narrative” depended upon sea-ice cooling the Atlantic I’d be getting my pink-slip ’round about now, and facing starvation unless I could land a quick job at a burger joint. Fortunately that is not the case, and I can go skipping away as happy-go-lucky as Br’er Rabbit thrown into a briar patch.

There are all sorts of ways a nimble mind can survive a pet theory going down in flames. I can just say, “The ingredients were correct, but the proportions were wrong.” Who knows? In 1817 the situation may have involved ten times as much sea-ice and ten times less sea-floor lava.

Then there is the “timing adjustment”. “The end of the world scheduled for yesterday has been postponed until tomorrow.”

Personally, I am usually too busy looking around for what is the same and what is different, and can ‘t waste much time making excuses. There is always too much to grasp. Maybe you forgot to include the effects of Saharan Dust drifting west and Wildfire Smoke drifting east. A nimble mind notices such things.

When you come down to it, there is too much for a mortal mind to grasp. We are not omniscient. God is. He is the one who made it all fit together in the perfect manner it fits, but we can’t make sense of it. To us it is like a jigsaw puzzle with too many pieces, and we sit and scratch our heads bewildered. However every now and again we see how a couple of pieces fit together, and experience revelation. It is a gift and a blessing to experience such joy. But I think we are given such “visions” for a reason. We are suppose to share our views, and listen to others share their insights in return.

This is not what occurs when Cancel Culture insists there is only one view and “the science is settled”. Pity.

If only one view was a good idea we would have only one eye, in the center of our forehead. The fact we have two eyes gives us two ways of looking at anything, however we seldom notice our eyes disagree unless we drink too much whisky. Ordinarily our two eyes cooperate and create a way of seeing you lose, if you unfortunately lose the vision of one eye. You lose depth perception. No one eye has it. It can only be had through cooperation between two differing views.

In like manner scientists have differing views. It is often not a matter of one being right and the other wrong, but rather differing visions due to different approaches. It is foolishness to waste time saying the other person’s view is wrong, in such cases. Instead it is a wonder to exchange the differing views, because both gain a sort of “depth perception” they did not have before. And what is even more wonderful is what happens if ten scientists exchange their views. Or a hundred. You could almost call the depth available a “super power.”

“But what if the other view is wrong?” I can hear someone asking that. And my answer is, “So what? We are all wrong, in one way or another, because we are not omniscient like God, and what we know is a tiny fraction of reality. And what might be really “wrong” would be deny ourselves a super-power because we fretted others forgot to cross a T or dot an i.

We actually should delight in seeing we were mistaken. I thought more sea-ice flowing through Denmark Strait would make the Atlantic cooler, but its warmer. So I was wrong. So what? So a door has opened in my thinking; I’m seeing past a preconception; new horizons have appeared. If I cultivate the right attitude, it is actually a delight to be wrong.

Being wrong is like when you are working on a jigsaw puzzle and think two pieces fit, but then discover they don’t. We don’t make a big deal of it. We don’t burst into tears or tip the table over in a rage. We don’t fire people and kick them out of the puzzle-making party…or do we? I can think of some infantile Alarmists who….but I won’t go there.

Or maybe I will, just a bit. There is a way of being wrong which violates human mercy and dignity, and needs to be described as it is: Evil. It is unhealthy and unhelpful and no good comes of it, except for the fact it forces good to push back. However I won’t linger long on this topic, for I am talking about scientists who love truth talking together, and sharing insights. If you try to talk with an evil person you swiftly notice how they amputate even innocent inquiry. You can be a complete lamb and yet they call you a racist, and so on and so forth. It’s distressing, and also swiftly apparent they absolutely don’t want to understand.

Scientists who do love truth do want to understand, and I think God likes them even when they are Atheists, because Truth is another name for God, and when a man hungers for truth and understanding he is, whether he knows it or not, flattering God because he finds what God is is attractive. So God responds.

God can’t give the man 100% understanding all at once, for that would be a flash that turned a mortal to a cinder. Instead inspiration comes in smaller doses. One gets .000001%, and even that can sit a man or woman back and exclaim, “Holy Shit!” But I assert God doesn’t want that .000001% to simply atrophy, but rather to be shared. And that is how we arrive at the delight of scientists sitting around exchanging ideas, and seeing a super-power result.

Sadly, there are few examples of such cooperation in the recent past. However there are a few, if we look a little further back. The first nine years of NASA are an example of many scientists at their best, landing a man on the moon. Also the discovery of continental drift in the late 1950’s was due to an amazing group of scientists collaborating despite the Cold War’s pressures to be secret about everything.

In some ways we have endured a situation worse than the Cold War, for over two decades now, because certain evil politicians sought to use Global Warming to “declare an emergency” and establish a sort of bogus marshal law, in order to gain great wealth an power for themselves, robbing other people of their God-given and “self evident” rights. This required science to “prove” Global Warming was “settled science”, even though many scientists knew this was impossible, right from the start.

What a battle it has been! Scientists have been on the front lines in a weird war that didn’t involve bombs and bullets as much as bribes and bullying. The heroes in this war have been those who simply stood by the Truth. Less heroic are those who had mouths to feed and kept jobs they should have quit, said things they shouldn’t have spoken, and allowed themselves to be bullied. (However they may soon be whistleblowers and redeem themselves.)

I was drawn into this battle though I am a rank amateur, as a scientist. My powers of observation don’t like the rigors of scientific discipline, and prefer to be nimble. I am better at skimming the surface than at the hard work of digging down. I can see an overview, but I’m totally dependent on scientists who do the hard work of digging up the actual data.

In any case, as I puzzled about the fact the Pole was cool though the rest of the planet was “the warmest ever”, my nimble mind was bounding about from topic to topic, and abruptly paused over Hudson Bay. The sea-ice seemed to be melting faster than usual. So I cast about to see what Susan Crawford had to say. Though she is a zoologist with a focus on polar bears, she often is a go-to person regarding sea-ice where polar bears live. I immediately found she had noticed Hudson’s Bay’s situation (and the Alarmist hoop-la about it) before me, and published both on her own site at Polar Bear Science, and at WUWT.

Her writing does its usual good job of making media hype look a bit ridiculous, using actual facts. I’m glad she does this hard work, but to be honest I am growing deaf to what certain people in the media say. They should know by now they are incorrect, and therefore seem intentionally deceitful to me. Either that, or they are amazingly stupid. In any case, God will be their judge, and my worldly judgement is to ignore them. I have no desire to prove them wrong because I already proved they’re wrong many times, and they never once behaved as I behave when I’m wrong. Instead they rinse and repeat. Therefore I visit Susan’s site because it is always loaded with so much good data. I skip the hype and head straight for the data. Check out the above post and you’ll see what I mean.

Anyway, I did see it was an early breakup of sea-ice, which was all my nimble mind wanted to know. And where from there? Well, I was fairly sure there were no volcanoes or lava up there, but wanted to be very sure. So my nimble mine went to the bottom of Hudson Bay, and what did I learn? The bay is getting more and more shallow. Not due to lava, but rather due to “isostatic rebound”.

What the above map shows is that, with the weight of mile-thick ice-age glaciers removed, Hudson Bay is still bouncing back, even millenniums after the last ice melted. True, the glaciers lingered longer there, but still it seems amazing the land is rising a centimeter a year. That is a meter a century. Is that faster than the ocean is rising? Well, lets check the sea level of Churchill, on the shore of Hudson Bay.

Will you look at that! The sea is sinking there. The ships may run aground in the harbor if we don’t do something! We must melt icecaps to raise the sea!

Of course, I am being facetious. The sea is not sinking; instead the land is rising. But this microcosm shows the danger of not taking an overview. Yet in some ways to even bring up the topic of “isostatic rebound” can get one cancelled, in Alarmist circles.

There seems to be two reasons. The first is that, if the floor of Hudson Bay lifts, the bay can hold less water. If it lifts a centimeter a year then a centimeter a year of water gets dumped out of Hudson Bay, and this must raise sea levels in other places. How much, you ask? Well, you ask that because you are a scientist. Cancel Culture just gets mad at you, for suggesting sea-level rise might be due to something other than CO2 melting arctic ice.

The second reason involves the truth that, in certain places, isostatic rebound has lifted land faster than the sea can rise, even at the end of an ice-age. This is somewhat amazing, considering the sea rose roughly 400 feet. However in places the land rose 800 feet. What this means is that, while often ancient shorelines now lie 400 feet below modern shorelines, there are places in Canada and Greenland where ancient shorelines are high and dry. This is alarming to Alarmists. Why? Because if we study ancient shorelines we might learn certain seas were ice-free in the Holocene, and it caused no “Death Spiral” nor “Catastrophic Methane Release.” Rather than the good news such history actually provides, such truth alarms Alarmists, for it robs Alarmists of some of their most scary headlines. So they are prone to cancelling such information.

I think the saddest example of this involves a tough young woman who conducted a field study in a very inaccessible place on the north coast of Greenland. Even though there is nothing for mosquitoes to eat, there are millions of mosquitoes, all starved and all disrespectful towards scientists. How this woman found the funding, and how she endured the hardship, must be a tale of courage, but her discoveries were remarkable. Among other things she found, on raised beaches, signs of humans in the arctic something like 6000 years ago. They burned driftwood on beaches made by water, not ice. Further study would definitely have been a wonderful thing, but the funding vanished. Apparently an ice-free Arctic Sea holding driftwood didn’t fit the Alarmist “narrative”. Isn’t this sad? You have a crackerjack scientist willing to do the hardest sort of work, and you stifle her.

I could go on with further examples of this Alarmist crap, going back decades. In retrospect, it is all very sad.

What is saddest is that we had such potential we failed to live up to. We had the money, the resources, the brilliant young minds, but rather than the super-powers that might have been, we have absurd mortals who think stupidity is a good thing, squatting in powerful places and led by a senile president.

What a bizarre war this is! Sadly, I’m not sure I’ll live to see the end of it. No big deal. Not all who fought Hitler lived to see him defeated.

However one thing which has been obvious in all this nonsense we’ve endured seems to be building to a head. What is it? It is that you can’t make Truth be a lie, nor make a lie be the Truth. If you attempt such a toppling of reason, certain that propaganda can redefine what already is, all you do is become the author of your own demise. How so? Well, the fact you even ask that question proves you are blind. It should be obvious.

What’s obvious? Truth is true. All else is false.

Stay tuned.

ARCTIC SEA-ICE —Anti-alarm—

I thought I should swiftly note some data which ought lessen the alarm some are made anxious by.

First, after a low “maximum” the DMI graph of the “extent” of sea-ice is showing levels higher than at any time, on the same date in June, in the last seven years.

Second, the DMI “volume” graph, which had shown the lowest levels in recent years due to much ice being flushed south through Fram Strait, has moved back to more normal levels.

Third, temperatures at the Pole continue below normal, as we reach the time of year they inch above freezing.

Meanwhile, on the icecap of Greenland, snows have accumulated 5 gigatons at a time of year the snows usually start melting

In the Colorado Rockies snow is still falling, where the snowpack had completely vanished at this time last year.

The cold weather in the Rockies slows the melting of the snowpack, avoiding dangerous flooding, while at the same time the amount of snowpack is refilling Lake Powell and soothing away mega-drought alarms.

So for the moment we need not be alarmed.

Stay tuned.