The sun is still up at the Pole, but sinking towards the horizon, and at this point in the summer it starts to loose its power. When at it’s highest it makes people manic, for it is high enough to warm twenty-four hours a day. But those heady days are done. Now, if a cloud passes over the sun, a skim of ice grows on the water bucket.

Back in the pre-lock-down days, when people were free, there used to be whack-job college students out on the Arctic Sea every summer, supposedly documenting the “Death Spiral” of Sea-ice, but actually just having fun. They had feared they’d have to work a Real Job at a car wash all summer, but had written a proposal about the scientific value of being the first to reach the Pole by Pogo-stick, and to their complete amazement someone bought their B.S., and they abruptly had an amazing (to a student) $80,000.00 to play with. And then, through the wonders off satellite technology, I could sit back, click onto their website, and watch young clowns having the time of their lives.

It was always the same. During June and July the sunshine made them crazy. They were in no hurry. Then, right about now, it was like a shadow rose. All of a sudden they were in a great, big hurry. Summer does not last forever, and the Arctic Sea is especially clear about this.

Evidence is seen in the fact that temperatures dip below freezing long before the sun actually sets on September 20. Temperatures tend to dip below freezing around August 15, according to the Danish Meteorology Institute.

This year is represented by the orange line, in the above graph, and you can see that this year we actually first dipped below freezing on July 29. But today we have poked “above normal” for the fifth time since April 24, so I suppose the other 104 days of spring and summer’s cool will be ignored, and we can expect headlines screaming “Polar Temperatures Above Normal.”

In actual fact this site has documented for ten years that around this time of year, every recent year, temperatures have tended to move from below normal to above normal. I assume it is because this time of year the sun stops being a major influence, and temperatures are instead determined by the humidity of the air, which in turn is determined by the temperature of the sea water.

This blows a hole in the Death Spiral Theory. It blows a hole today, and it blew a hole fifteen years ago. The Death Spiral Theory has such a hole blown in it that it resembles a pigeon shot by a bazooka.

Why? Because the Death Spiral Theory depends on the idea of ice-free water absorbing sunshine.

This actually occurs in parts of the Arctic Sea which are ice-free when the sun is thirty degrees high in the sky. Along the coasts of the marginal seas, especially close to river deltas pouring out summer waters, water temperatures are sun-warmed and get far above freezing. However, further out, ice in the water makes the water be ice-water, and ice-water must be, by definition, at the freezing point (which can vary due to salinity.) By the time large parts of the Arctic Sea start to show waters that are largely ice-free, the sun has sunk down to ten degrees above the horizon, or lower.

At this point the water no longer absorbs sunlight. If you doubt me, and are at a beach, go snorkeling in the late afternoon when the sun dips down near the horizon. Above the surface it may still be definitely daylight, but underwater it is night.

This occurs because the “albedo” of water increases greatly when light hits it at a shallow angle. Rather than penetrating the light is reflected. In fact the “albedo” of glassy water is greater than that of dirty snow, when the sun is down near the horizon. And this blows a huge hole in the Death Spiral Theory.

Why? Because the sea-ice will keep right on melting for another month, (not due to warm air above but due to slightly warmer waters beneath), and yet any open waters exposed will not absorb heat from sunshine. In fact the waters will lose heat through being exposed, and will reflect heat because the sun hits at such an increasingly shallow angle. For the next thirty days any exposure of water will represent a net loss, not a net gain, of heat for the Arctic Sea. In other words, rather than a “Death Spiral” that endlessly results in less sea-ice, open water tends to counterbalance things, and increase sea-ice.

If you look back through millions of words on this blog, going all the way back to July 2013, you will see me being very patient with Alarmists. Over and over I point out the “Death Spiral” fails to verify it’s assertions. Meanwhile my observations, (if you dignify them to the status of a “theory”), over and over do verify.

Have we yet seen the ice-free Pole Al Gore promised us would occur by 2016? No. Instead we see what amazes me a little, considering the warmth of the oceans. Sea-ice “extent” is higher than other recent years.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I am under the impression that a “spiral” is suppose to move in a certain direction. In the case of a “Death Spiral” the direction is down. This is not down.

I would like to move on to the far more interesting topic of the warming seas, and what is warming them, for that is reality and what we should be attending to. However, sadly, we are ruled by some with a poor grasp of reality.

It is my understanding that next week Fraudulent Biden will declare a “Climate Emergency”, and will attempt to enact “emergency powers”, as if we were at war.

There is no emergency. The weather is what the weather is, and includes some extremes, but the weather is usually nice and boring. However to say there is no emergency may get me in trouble.

After all, simply saying there is no Arctic Death Spiral apparently got me “shadow banned.” (Or maybe it was some other honesty.)

If you look back in this blog you will see that, during the China Virus “emergency”, when they enacted “lock downs”, I refused to be locked down, and my Childcare never closed. True, I found a loophole in the law that made me look legal for not closing, but the fact of the matter is that if I’d had no loophole I likely would have broken the law, because the law was basically unlawful.

If the puppet president actually declares a “climate emergency”, and actually attempts to enact various “lock-downs” (such as rationing gasoline and outlawing gas stoves), I fear it may be “a bridge too far”.

The public has been very patient, (amazingly so), but it seems those who relied on distorting truth are cornered rats, because truth is exposing their distortions. To declare an emergency when there is no emergency is something only a cornered rat would do.

Things could happen very rapidly. After all the talk about “tipping points” involving things like arctic sea-ice, the actual “tipping point” might be the walls closing in on Fraudulent Biden and his “bag-man” son Hunter, about to be exposed for bribery. In such a desperate situation, why not declare a “climate emergency” and attempt to grab dictatorial powers? If you get away with it you rule America; if you lose you go to jail, which is what you may get if you do nothing.

Hopefully saner heads will work hard behind the scenes, but I have not seen much evidence of sanity this past decade. Therefore, though I hope for the best, I prepare for the worst.

What is the worst? Well, this blog may be judged “traitorous” for stating there is no emergency. Then I vanish, to join the ranks of the “disappeared”.

What does this mean, in terms of what I have long stated: “Stand by the Truth and the Truth will stand by you.”

Will it prove Truth is weak? After all, all I have been guilty of is a thirst for the Truth, because Truth is beauty. I have steadfastly refused to accept anything simply because it is politically correct to do so. At the same time, I have never fired anyone for their beliefs, nor struck anyone for their beliefs, nor burned down their business. My worst offense is to ridicule some for their beliefs, but that is justified when they are ridiculous, and started the fight by ridiculing me. And now they perhaps win the fight by cancelling me. So, did Truth stand by me?

Does it matter? In a battle those who fall don’t “win” in a worldly sense. In the Battle of Gettysburg 25,000 fell on each side. 50,000 didn’t “win”, though both sides felt they stood by some version of mortal truth, (without a capital “T”). However their sacrifice changed the course of human history: (Namely, for a while slavery was illegal, though it is now making a comeback.)

In the end Truth, I like to believe, is there to help those who fall in battle back to their non-physical feet, after they “drop their physical body.” Death is something we fear only until the door opens. Then? Well, William Blake’s final words were the exclamation, “The angels are tying ribbons to my toes!”

Truth is the only thing worthy of worship, and those who deem it wise to distort and pervert and mangle Truth are like those who crucified Christ. Any short-term euphoria they gained had a hell of a hangover.

Simply watching the untruthful, it seems to me they do a fairly good job of destroying themselves, without any help from me, or from thunderbolts from heaven. The rot must set in if you behave in a rotten manner. No perfume can cover the stink of your shit, if you shit in inappropriate places, like your own pants.

If his fraudulence does proclaim a climate emergency, it seems he is digging his own grave. But in the process I may vanish. In which case I assert: Truth alone is worthy of worship.

Stay tuned.

1 thought on “ARCTIC SEA-ICE –A New Chill–

  1. No co2 death spiral either.

    We have pretty good proxies for temperature and co2 for the last million years or so. Particularly good for the last four glaciations. Both rose seemingly in lock step when times got warm, but co2 ran out of puff each time it got to about 280 ppm. No spiralling upwards.

    Indeed, co2 often stayed high for long periods when temperatures fell. If co2 drove climate that could not have happened. But it did.

    And now we are above 400 ppm but global average temperature, in so far as such a thing is useful, remains lower than in Minoan, Roman and Medieval times, when co2 was lower. Let alone the Eemian or Holocene optimum, when people were thin on the ground. If co2 were the main driver of warming, shouldn’t we be cooked by now?

    Can we stop this de-carbonisation nonsense, please? Nothing wrong with carbon.

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