Cold and Snow hit…Brazil!

As the northern hemisphere gets its last low blows from Old Man Winter, the southern hemisphere is getting cheap shots from the same Old Man, though it is still autumn down there. And we are talking Brazil here, not way down at the tip of South America.  (I’m wondering if I should hoard coffee.) (There are few physical things I can’t renounce for a good cause, but please God, not my coffee!  Not my coffee! )

WeatherAction News

Argiris Diamantis writes;
The translation that provides from Portuguese into English is not perfect, but we understand that there was rare snowfall in Brazil, with enormous drops in temperatures and meteorogists blame this on El Nino.

Snow in April in SC confirms harsh winter perspective; Friday, made 4 ° C in Curitiba

Posted on April 29, 2016

By Luiz Henrique de Oliveira

There were small snowflakes, but were historic. Since 1999 it not snowed in April in Brazil. Yesterday morning, the frozen precipitation occurred in the city of São Joaquim in Planalto Sul, Santa Catarina.Coincidence or not, and in the 90 temperatures plunged from 30 ° C to 0 ° C overnight.

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