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Rain and slush and mud. It could be days before we see the sun. It’s time to gird loins and grit teeth and remember in a month it will be May. Also remember poets who had grimmer mud to face, and still saw beauty. I may reread the World War One poet Wilford Owen’s “Apoligia Pro Promate Meo,” that begins, “I, too, saw God through mud…”


Some people are like a snatch of blue sky on a gray day.

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In my time I have seen many wrenches
Tossed into the artworks which I might have made,
But I, too, have seen God in the trenches
And laughed about Yorick while wielding a spade.

Happiness can’t abide preconditions.
You think you need money, but wealthy men
Groan as their mansions become perditions.
Happiness just won’t obey “if” and “then”.

In the valley of shadow white light will appear
Though doubters seek to creep close and destroy.
If Beethoven demanded that he could hear
We would not now have his sweet song of Joy.

In thickets of thorns, still seek a rosebud
And you too will see the sky in the mud.

“A million” mountain livestock dying of cold in Peru and Bolivia

Andes cold alpacas nieveAndes Cold - Bolivia - 2

The “Ice Age Now” site reports the cold events the mainstream media seems to avoid, and I was troubled when I came across two stray headlines.

Global Warming is suppose to make mountains warmer, and in some cases cause plants and animals to go extinct because they can’t migrate any higher than a mountain’s top. It seems some South American herders did move uphill during the warmer years of the past few decades, and now are paying the price as it is too cold at those altitudes this year.

It should be noted that in Peru the animals dying include alpacas, which are native to the high altitudes of the Andes Mountains. (The person writing the second article obviously isn’t pleased by the Peruvian government.)

“This is a disaster unparalleled in our history. Of course, Ollanta Humala and his court seem to have been unaware. The presidential message of July 28 said iota about the tragedy. Frightening is the situation created by the snowfall that hit especially the poor peasants. The regime cares only for transnational mining poor things.”

(You may have to use your “translate” feature to read these articles)



Argiris Daimantis sent this news item to the “Ice Age Now” site, and added insights that ought cause some shame:

“One lion killed in Zimbabwe has got a lot of attention in the Main Stream Media,” says Argiris. “A disaster unparalleled in the history of Peru gets no attention at all.”

“Even the President of Peru chooses to ignore this disaster.

“Why? Because this news might disturb the new Global Warming religion.”