AWAKING THE WOKE (Or, The Polka-dotted Tie)

The so-called “woke” are in fact asleep.

They slumber in the false security of thinking they are in a “safe space.” Coddled by money, stroked by luxuries, flattered by self-proclaimed popularity, they snuggle into a web of deceit, thinking they are reclining in a magical hammock, a sort of cocoon which will make worms into butterflies. In fact they are entangled, increasingly wrapped and entrapped by a spider of lies who wants nothing more than to suck the very blood from their veins. How more unawoke can you get?

All my life I have watched people who, regardless of truth and fact, have rushed about seeking acceptance. They have rushed to buy the silliest clothing, not just women but men. To be accepted they would wear the most garish, polka-dotted tie. It was ridiculous to witness, but the pathos behind the nonsense was that the poor people just wanted acceptance.

Well, this silliness is out of hand. At some point you have to draw the line. You have to stand up bravely, and rebel, and announce, “I will not wear a polka-dotted tie!”

And at that point the “woke” stir from slumber. They understand to be called “woke” is as meaningless as a polka-dotted tie.

They begin to understand Truth is more meaningful, and that the acceptance that matters is the acceptance of Truth.

1 thought on “AWAKING THE WOKE (Or, The Polka-dotted Tie)

  1. Interesting, and intriguingly stated. It’s almost like one of your broken poems (smile, it won’t hurt to have me say that) in the way it reads. But it says a lot and in a small space. A good, concise position taken and stated. I like it – even if I actually do have a polka-dotted tie. (wink)

    Keep writing your sonnets as you choose. We write for ourselves first, correct? It is always nice to have others like what we write, but it truly is ourselves that must be happy with what we say and how we do it.

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