Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have all censored these doctors exposing Covid Virus misinformation, stating it is the doctors who are misinformed. Since when do non-doctors have the right to repress the medical opinions of doctors? And even doctors say patients have the right to get a “second opinion.”

This censorship has gotten way out of hand. Hopefully we find our way around it by using smaller websites, such as the one below which still has the doctor’s censored press conference. (I hope the site keeps working).


  1. I was good with this until they mentioned Sweden as a good case to study!!! 5000 plus people might beg to differ except they can’t because they are dead! He brushed off their neighbours without any mention of the fact that they went into lockdown and said it was for ‘other reasons’. There are no ‘other reasons’. How about us in NZ. We only had 22 deaths and our economy is pretty much back to normal except for overseas tourism. Using the UK as an example of the ineffectiveness of lockdown is stupid because they did not lock anything down properly for months. By which time it was already too late.
    The point is if you are going to get rid of this thing you have to be committed and do the lockdown properly with lots of testing and contact tracing. You have to know where every case came from so it can’t go any further and you have to have the public on your side.

    Sorry I just get mad with people misrepresenting the facts 🙂

    • Glad to hear the facts from New Zealand. Did you really “get back to normal”? Around here the damages to small businesses have been such that we cannot ever get “back to normal”. In Boston I think 40% of all small restaurants are shuttered for good.

      I am not bothered so much by different opinions on how to handle things as by the censorship.

      • Caleb: For Good? Too long a time to have surety. Restaurants are evanescant anyway, but demand rules supply. They’ll be back in whatever form. If we get through. Too soon to know but odds are we shall in the end. Brett, another blasted Kiwi

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