It seems we a living amidst a period of history where people are being forced to lay their cards on the table. It is a time of exposure, even if the people being exposed refuse to confess, and the media screams denials like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Most of us will admit to having an outlaw side, and such imperfection is quite human and forgivable, which is why confession is such an important part of many churches, and even part of rock music.

…Your black cards can make you money
So you hide them when you’re able;
In the land of milk and honey
You must lay them on the table…

Ordinarily we tend to be (to some degree) forgiving of human weaknesses, for we recognize we ourselves aren’t perfect. Furthermore, because such weaknesses exist even in our earthly courts, we at times recognize that an outlaw can have a quality like Robin Hood. In fact the constitution of the United States is based on the premise laws can be challenged and changed, and no one person can have power over all others.

In fact even gangsters have their origins, in many cases, as voices of an opposition in situations where opposition is not tolerated. Sometimes a certain group of humanity is treated in an utterly horrible fashion, as the Irish were when food was exported from their land even as children were dying of starvation, and in such situations the true gangsters are the authorities who are breaking spiritual laws. In such situations people have to stand up for themselves, for the “elite” authorities are failing them. Often such self-defense is at the roots of a mob’s creation, whether the outlaws be Irish or Greek or Italian or Black or the Jewish Zealots fighting the enforcers of the Roman Empire.

In fact the old Democrat Party tended to see this aspect of people in poorer neighborhoods, and stood for the blue-color workers, and helped them form unions and gain a voice. These were the Harry Truman democrats, and Ronald Regan was one of them. But then, as Regan put it, “I did not leave the Democrat party; the Democrat party left me.”

The change was subtle at first, but involved the incorporation of Marxist beliefs. In a nutshell, such beliefs desire to murder others for their weaknesses. Others are “weeds” which must be removed from the “garden”, via purges and reeducation and other brutal examples of hate. Such behavior goes against the spiritual advise of saints and the Christ, and therefore such spiritual advise is seen as a “weed” which must be removed. Marxism is above all godless.

In fact one of the primary differences between the old, Harry Truman Democrats and the modern “Elite” was that the old Democrats stood firmly against burning churches, whereas the modern “Elite” stand idly by.

Cards are being laid on the table.


Those who lust for power forget it’s Source.
They forget the Power that crafted crowns
And thrones also made the wild, prancing horse
They ride upon, which can buck them like clowns.
There is nothing the Maker didn’t make.
Therefore no great man is truly self-made.
Earth seems firm until God gives it a shake.
The mighty have reason to be afraid
If they become gangsters and topple steeples
And terrorize those they swore oaths to serve.
They can’t grasp a Love which is the people’s,
Nor avoid grim karma gangster’s deserve.
For a moment they brag and strut, and mock
A Might they can’t beat, which is founded on rock.


  1. I find your rambling prose fascinating at time. I feel like I’m in the current of a river of thought that somehow comes up to a boulder in the stream and I am swept into an eddy while the current continues on towards its destination. I wonder where or how I lost the flow, but it is so deliciously fascinating when you do that to me. The key is probably in the sonnet, but I have never liked sonnets and tend to have difficulty understanding what is hidden there. but one thing is certain, if I ever get complacent about life and understanding the world and where it is going, all I need to do is read your essays and realize that “No, I still don’t know it all after all.” That’s not a knock, that’s a compliment. Keep doing what you are doing. It’s always a trip.

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